Saturday, January 26, 2008

NEA Gives New York Schools a Failing Grade

Though public schools across the nation are improving their school environments for students, the New York schools are falling behind, according to the National Education Association (NEA). In a recently posted web page, the NEA cited many failings of the New York schools. Here are some of the challenges that the New York schools continue to face during the 2006-2007 school year.

Average Sizes for Schools and Classes

The elementary and secondary New York schools continue to be among the largest schools in the nation. The average size of an elementary school within the New York schools system is 27 percent higher than the national average. With an average of 558 students per elementary school, the New York schools rank fifth to have the largest elementary schools on average in the United States. Their high schools are even larger, averaging 1004 students per school. That is 33 percent higher than the national average, making the New York schools system the eighth largest in average high school size.

The class sizes in the New York schools also are among the largest with an average of 22 students per class. The NEA ranked the New York schools as the tenth largest in average elementary class size nationally.

Poor Infrastructure

In addition to the overcrowding in the New York schools, their crumbling and aging infrastructure is in desperate disrepair with a third of the facilities in need of extensive repair or replacement. The costs to complete construction and repair needs on school buildings and facilities are estimated to be as high as $15 billion. During the 2006-2007 school year, the New York schools will have literally tens of thousands of students attending class in mobile trailers, storage areas, and converted bathrooms not the most conducive environment for learning.

The New York schools rank among the bottom ten states in the percentage of schools with at least one unsatisfactory environment condition. Seventy-six percent of the New York schools fall into this category. There are 36 percent with poor ventilation that is bad for children with respiratory ailments, such as asthma, and contributes to higher illness rates of children and staff from passing viruses back and forth through the stagnant air. Additionally, 28 percent of all New York schools have bad plumbing and 31 percent of the schools have roofs that are crumbling.

As important as computers have become to educational opportunities in the United States, more than a third of the New York schools lack adequate outlets and the necessary wiring for computer use in the classroom.

Teacher Salaries

Teacher salaries in the New York schools continue to decline. While other public school systems across the nation have increased salaries over the past ten years, teacher salaries in the New York schools system have decreased in constant dollars by eight percent. This means that many of the quality teachers are either moving out-of-state to teach or moving into new career fields that pay better. The NEA has designated the New York schools as one of the four worse states for allowing real teacher salaries to decline.

As the NEA points out, the New York schools have many challenges yet to face in order to provide a quality education to the youth within the state of New York.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on New York schools visit Blog71984
Shirl Blog94876

The Benefits Of Distance Learning

Distance Learning or Home Study has come a long way since Isaac Pitman taught shorthand via correspondence courses in the 1840s. However the huge benefits of studying from home, or from the workplace, remain the same.

First of all, with a Distance Learning course you enjoy the freedom of being able to study in your own time and at your own pace. Thats because Distance Learning courses are carefully designed to fit in with your life.

Whether you wish to improve your life, increase your job prospects or simply study a hobby that you are interested in, more and more people are choosing to study from home as it fits in comfortably with their lifestyle.

There are many fully-accredited Distance Learning providers in the UK today (type distance learning home study or distance education into and youll find most of them), offering a huge range of interesting, educational courses available for study.

Distance Education courses available for home study can include anything from Airline Training to Art Studies, Book-keeping to Business & Management, Counseling to Child Care and Writing to Web Design. You will find courses on things like Wedding Planning and Event Management, Nail Technician, Animal Care and Behavioureven courses such as Diet & Exercise, Forensic Science and How to Start Your Own Business. On some vocational courses you may even qualify for a career Development Loan from the government.

But you are not alone when you study from home. Distance Learning providers (or Home Learning agencies as they are sometimes called) employ professional student advisors and fully qualified tutors to mark and help you with your coursework. Most Home Study courses provide learners with an accredited diploma which helps them increase their job prospects, change their lifestyle or even start their own business.

Many Distance Learning providers offer interest free credit schemes to help students spread the cost over a period they can afford. Also look out for special discount offers.

Looking for a better job, a better future, a better life? Then take up a Distance Learning course today and change your life forever!

Course Author

Shaun L Bird

Shaun L BirdStacy Blog43232
Sileas Blog16286

Coping with Change: Develop Your Personal Strategy

Why do we resist change?

As the saying goes, the only people who like change are busy cashiers and wet babies. We find change disorienting, creating within us an anxiety similar to culture shock, the unease visitors to an alien land feel because of the absence of the familiar cues they took for granted back home. With an established routine, we don't have to think! And thinking is hard work.

Change is a business fact of life

Is your company is currently undergoing major changes that will affect the lives of all of its employees? These changes are probably in response to the evolving needs of your customers. They are made possible because of improvements in telecommunications and digital technology. They are likely guided by accepted principles and practices of total quality management. And you can expect that they will result in significant improvements profitability--a success that all employees will share. Because our customers' needs are NOW, we must make changes swiftly, which means that all of us must cooperate with the changes, rather than resist them.

How do we resist change?

We tend to respond to change the same way we respond to anything we perceive as a threat: by flight or fight. Our first reaction is flight--we try to avoid change if we can. We do what futurist Faith Popcorn calls "cocooning": we seal ourselves off from those around us and try to ignore what is happening. This can happen in the workplace just by being passive. We don't volunteer for teams or committees; we don't make suggestions, ask questions, or offer constructive criticism. But the changes ahead are inescapable. Those who "cocoon" themselves will be left behind.

Even worse is to fight, to actively resist change. Resistance tactics might include negativity, destructive criticism, and even sabotage. If this seldom happens at your company, you are fortunate.

Take a different approach to change

Rejecting both alternatives of flight or flight, we seek a better option--one that neither avoids change nor resists it, but harnesses and guides it.

Change can be the means to your goals, not a barrier to them.

Both fight and flight are reactions to perceiving change as a threat. But if we can change our perceptions, we can avoid those reactions. An old proverb goes, "Every change brings an opportunity." In other words, we must learn to see change as a means of achieving our goals, not a barrier preventing us from reaching them.

Another way of expressing the same thought is: A change in my external circumstances provides me with an opportunity to grow as a human being. The greater the change is, the greater and faster I can grow. If we can perceive change along these lines, we will find it exciting and energizing, rather than depressing and debilitating.

Yet this restructuring of our perspective on change can take some time. In fact, coping with change follows the same steps as the grieving process.1 The steps are shock and denial that the old routine must be left behind, then anger that change is inevitable, then despair and a longing for the old ways, eventually replaced by acceptance of the new and a brighter view of the future. Everyone works through this process; for some, the transition is lightning fast, for others painfully slow.

Realize your capacity to adapt.

As one writer put it recently:

Our foreparents lived through sea changes, upheavals so cataclysmic, so devastating we may never appreciate the fortitude and resilience required to survive them. The next time you feel resistant, think about them and about what they faced--and about what they fashioned from a fraction of the options we have. They blended old and new worlds, creating family, language, cuisine and new life-affirming rhythms, and they encouraged their children to keep on stepping toward an unknown but malleable future.2

Human beings are created remarkably flexible, capable of adapting to a wide variety of environments and situations. Realizing this can help you to embrace and guide change rather than resisting or avoiding it.

Develop a coping strategy based on who you are.

Corporate employees typically follow one of four decision-making styles: analytical, directive, conceptual, and behavioral. These four styles, described in a book by Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason,3 have the following characteristics:

Analytical Style technical, logical, careful, methodical, needs much data, likes order, enjoys problem-solving, enjoys structure, enjoys scientific study, and enjoys working alone.

Conceptual Style creative and artistic, future oriented, likes to brainstorm, wants independence, uses judgment, optimistic, uses ideas vs. data, looks at the big picture, rebellious and opinionated, and committed to principles or a vision.

Behavioral Style supportive of others, empathetic, wants affiliation, nurtures others, communicates easily, uses instinct, avoids stress, avoids conflict, relies on feelings instead of data, and enjoys team/group efforts.

Directive Style aggressive, acts rapidly, takes charge, persuasive and/or is manipulative, uses rules, needs power/status, impatient, productive, single-minded, and enjoys individual achievements.

Read once more through these descriptions and identify which style best describes you. Then find and study the strategy people who share your style follow to cope with change:

Analytical coping strategy You see change as a challenging puzzle to be solved. You need plenty of time to gather information, analyze data, and draw conclusions. You will resist change if you are not given enough time to think it through.

Conceptual coping strategy You are interested in how change fits into the big picture. You want to be involved in defining what needs to change and why. You will resist change if you feel excluded from participating in the change process.

Behavioral coping strategy You want to know how everyone feels about the changes ahead. You work best when you know that the whole group is supportive of each other and that everyone champions the change process. If the change adversely affects someone in the group, you will perceive change as a crisis.

Directive coping strategy You want specifics on how the change will affect you and what your own role will be during the change process. If you know the rules of the change process and the desired outcome, you will act rapidly and aggressively to achieve change goals. You resist change if the rules or anticipated results are not clearly defined.

Realizing what our normal decision-making style is, can enable us to develop personal change-coping tactics.

How can we cope with change?

1. Get the big picture. Sometimes, not only do we miss the forest because of the trees, but we don't even see the tree because we're focused on the wood. Attaining a larger perspective can help all of us to cope with change, not just the conceptualists. The changes underway at my company are clearly following at least four important trends, which I believe are probably reflective of businesses in general:

Away from localized work toward network-based work,

Away from a feast-or-famine working environment toward a routinely busy working environment,

Away from site-limited approaches toward approaches that are consistent company-wide, and

Away from vertical, top-down management toward a more horizontal management structure, with shared accountability.

Getting at least this much comprehension of the big picture will help us to understand where each of us fits.

2. Do some anchoring. When everything around you is in a state of flux, it sure helps to find something stable that isn't going to change, no matter what. Your company's values (whether articulated or not) can provide that kind of stability for you. Ours include the Company Family, Focus on the Customer, Be Committed to Quality, and Maintain Mutual Respect. These values are rock-solid; they are not going to disappear or rearrange themselves into something else. Plus, each of us has personal values that perhaps are even more significant and permanent. Such immovables can serve as anchors to help us ride out the storm.

3. Keep your expectations realistic. A big part of taking control of the change you experience is to set your expectations. You can still maintain an optimistic outlook, but aim for what is realistically attainable. That way, the negatives that come along won't be so overwhelming, and the positives will be an adrenaline rush. Here are some examples:

There will be some bumps along the road. We shouldn't expect all of the changes ahead to be painless, demanding only minimal sacrifice, cost, or effort. In fact, we should expect some dead ends, some breakdowns in communications, and some misunderstandings, despite our best efforts to avoid them. We may not be able to anticipate all of the problems ahead, but we can map out in general terms how we will deal with them.

Not everyone will change at the same rate. The learning rates of any employees will distribute themselves along a bell curve. A few will adapt rapidly, most will take more time, and a few will adjust gradually. Also, many younger employees may find change, especially technological innovations, easier than those older. The reason may be, as one observer explains, "Older people's hard disks are fuller."4 On the other hand, you may find some younger ones surprisingly reluctant to take on a new challenge.

The results of change may come more slowly than we would want. As participants in an "instant society," conditioned by the media to expect complex problems to reach resolution in a 60-minute time frame, we may find the positive results of change slow to arrive from the distant horizon. If we are aware of this, we won't be so disappointed if tomorrow's results seem so similar to today's.

4. Develop your own, personal change tactics. Get plenty of exercise, plenty of rest, and watch your diet. Even if you take all the right steps and follow the best advice, undergoing change creates stress in your life, and stress takes energy. Aware of this, you can compensate by taking special care of your body.

Invest time and energy in training. Sharpen your skills so that you can meet the challenges ahead with confidence. If the training you need is not available through Bowne, get it somewhere else, such as the community college or adult education program in your area.

Get help when you need it. If you are confused or overwhelmed with the changes swirling around you, ask for help. Your supervisor, manager, or coworkers may be able to assist you in adjusting to the changes taking place. Your human resources department and any company-provided counseling services are other resources available to you.

Make sure the change does not compromise either your company values or your personal ones. If you are not careful, the technological advances jostling each other for your attention and adoption will tend to isolate you from personal contact with your coworkers and customers. E-mail, teleconference, voice-mail, and Intranet can make us more in touch with each other, or they can keep us antiseptically detached, removed from an awareness that the digital signals we are sending reach and influence another flesh-and-blood human being.

Aware of this tendency, we must actively counteract the drift in this direction by taking an interest in people and opening up ourselves to them in return. We have to remember to invest in people--all of those around us--not just in technology.

The "new normalcy"

Ultimately, we may discover that the current state of flux is permanent. After the events of September 11, Vice President Richard Cheney said we should accept the many resultant changes in daily life as permanent rather than temporary. "Think of them," he recommended, "as the 'new normalcy.'"

You should take the same approach to the changes happening at your workplace. These are not temporary adjustments until things get "back to normal." They are probably the "new normalcy" of your life as a company. The sooner you can accept that these changes are permanent, the better you can cope with them all--and enjoy their positive results.


1. Nancy J. Barger and Linda K. Kirby, The Challenge of Change in Organizations: Helping Employees Thrive in the New Frontier (Palo Alto, CA: Davies-Black Publ., 1995). This source is summarized in Mary M. Witherspoon, "Coping with Change," Women in Business 52, 3 (May/June 2000): 22-25.

2. Susan Taylor, "Embracing Change," Essence (Feb. 2002): 5.

3. Alan J. Rowe and Richard O. Mason, Managing with Style: A Guide to Understanding, Assessing and Improving Decision-Making (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Management Series, 1987) cited in Witherspoon, "Coping with Change."

4. Emily Friedman, "Creature Comforts," Health Forum Journal 42, 3 (May/June 1999): 8-11. Futurist John Naisbitt has addressed this tendency in his book, High tech/high touch: Technology and our search for meaning (New York: Random House, 1999). Naisbitt co-wrote this book with his daughter Nana Naisbitt and Douglas Philips.

Steve Singleton has been a book editor, newspaper reporter, news editor, and public relations consultant. He has taught college courses, seminars, and workshops in 11 states and the Caribbean. Currently he is a communications coordinator and corporate trainer for a large printing company.Sheilah Blog1522
Shandee Blog84309

Dating Advice For People Who Work A Lot

While working a lot can give you a tremendous advantage when it comes to your career, it does not give you a lot of time to date. If you find yourself spending a great deal of time studying or working, you may be wandering why you're alone. It may not be obvious that your schedule is the primary reason. There are a number of strategies you can use to deal with this situation, but perhaps one of the best is online dating.

Online dating essentially allows you to meet someone online from the comfort of your own computer. Not only can it be an excellent resource for those who work at lot, it is also a great tool for those who are shy or afraid of rejection. There are both free and paid dating services online, and there is a dating company that covers every region in the world. All you have to do is sign up and begin looking at the various profiles of the other members. Make a list of the members who have your interests and desirable characteristics. Once you've compiled this list, send them all a message. The more messages you send, the higher probability you have of getting a favorable response.

Once you have met someone you're interested in, you can get to know them online before meeting them in person. Another useful strategy for those who work long hours is to meet someone at your job or college. However, it should be noted that some companies have policies regarding dating among co-workers, so it is important to make sure you are not violating the guidelines of your company before preceeding. If you are a college student, there can be no doubt that there are plenty of people in your classes that you're interested in. If you are a man, it is likely that you've spotted a woman in your college class that you'd be interested in dating. If you are a woman, the same can be said for you.

It may be possible for the two of you to get together for a session of studying, or incorporate it into your date. Not only will you be having fun, but you will also be studying for an important quiz or research paper. My advice to you is to not allow your schedule to interfere with your ability to date. While hard work and education is important, you should also be able to enjoy yourself and have a good time.

Ron Zvagelsky has a degree in Business Administration from the University of Southern California. He graduated Magna Cum Laude in May 2006. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer of -- a new interactive planning website.Shawn Blog52058
Shaine Blog61094

Religious Degrees - Distance Education And Faith

For people of faith who want religious degrees, distance education is a viable option. It's often hard to find faith based education that is convenient. Traditional schools that offer religious degrees may not exist in your community. If they do exist, they are frequently more financially challenged than other schools, and offer fewer classes when non-traditional students can take them.

People of any faith can find distance education particular to their faith. You can learn Hebrew or Arabic online...or you can learn in Hebrew or Arabic online. There are three basic categories of religious education that you can access online.

Religious Degrees From a Religious Worldview

People of faith have a particular worldview, and sometimes you want an education that is consistent with that worldview. For example, an evangelical Christian might want to go to an evangelical Christian school, or an Islamic student might want to go to an Islamic school. For the most part, religious schools don't reinforce biases and prejudices. Instead, they begin with a certain set of assumptions, usually about God and the universe, and learning is shaped by those assumptions.

There are some good reasons to take online classes from these schools. If, for instance, you plan on a career related to your faith, a faith-based degree might enhance your career opportunities. Sometimes people attend religious classes because it's just easier and more comfortable to learn with people who are like you and believe like you do. And sometimes they want to explore their own faith in greater depth, and choose a religious degree program for that reason.

Religious Degrees That Apply Your Faith

Another reason people might want to pursue getting a religious degree is to prepare for a career. It's very common to use online learning or distance education for this. Christians can attend Bible school and seminary through online learning to prepare for a variety of ministry jobs.

People of faith get religious degrees to prepare for other careers, too, such as counseling. A Hindu may choose to get a degree in ayurveda, a vedic system of natural healing that has its roots in Hindu faith. Counseling and ayurveda are both practical degrees that allow you to use your faith in your career.

Religious Degrees for Scholars

Some people pursue religious degrees to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, or to do advanced study in some facet of religion or just to learn more about religion in general. They may or may not practice the faith that they are curious about.

Distance learning is a great way to engage in scholarly religious study. Through distance learning you can not only get a degree, but you can also study with experts all over the world. You can take a class on the Talmud from Hebrew University in Jerusalem, or study the words of Jesus from a Jesus Project scholar.

Whatever your reason for getting a religious degree, distance learning will make it an obtainable goal for you.

Dean Iggo is the webmaster of where you can find the best distance learning programs and degrees to suit your needs including online christian education.Sissy Blog11983
Sheena Blog58014

A Response to the Religious Right

As someone who believes in the existence of the sacred document of our democracy - The Declaration of Independence, I also believe in the rights of individuals who call America home. A favorite quote of mine was given by President Thomas Jefferson during his term as President, "The best principles of our republic secure to all its citizens a perfect equality of rights;" I believe that in a society that has for more than 200 years existed on the basis of freedom of religion, press, assembly, and speech, it is the right of all Americans to live out their lives in happiness. We as an American populace should come to exemplify the words which are so eloquently presented in the Gospel of Luke, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned."

We live in a world filled with suffering, we live in a world filled with anger and intolerance. As a people we need to come to understand that intolerance and division do not lead us to the calling of whomever our higher being may be, whether it be God, Allah, or one of the many Eastern traditions, it is imperative that we understand the necessity for compassion; the need for love; and above all the imperative nature of equality. I have much respect for America's religious leaders; however, what concerns me most is the fact that it so clear that Jesus or any form of a messiah would not want intolerance to be so manifest in our modern society. I pray that we as a state, that we as a country will come to live in harmony with one another.

In 2005, I established a Gay-Straight Alliance at Marlboro Central High School; I established this important support group and organization in the school district to ensure that no student would ever suffer the onslaught which I endured for nearly all of my secondary school years. Perhaps if the Lord were to step foot amongst us once again in some form, he would ask us why we are putting so much negative energy into a world already filled with a loss of hope. We are fortunate to live in a society which has for 200 years represented the ideal of liberty. If not for our court systems, African Americans might not have the right to vote; if not for our court systems, women might not be able to vote; Sir if not for our court systems, many Americans would not only be viewed as second class citizens, but more importantly our society would not emulate what distinguishes us from other countries around the world -- America is the home of the free. I will continue to offer prayers for equality; to pray and ask the Lord to teach every man and woman's heart to show them what compassion is, to allow them to feel love for all humankind.

The religious leaders of our country are not simply in conversation about marriage rights, but rather they are doing exactly what the Bible tells them not to do -- "Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned." On the NY Christian Coalition web site (, Rev. Bill Banuchi, Executive Director), under the link titled "Same Sex Marriage" it states, "Probably everyone knows at least one gifted, talented human being who has lost his life due to AIDS brought on by a homosexual lifestyle. Why aren't we suing the Gay and Lesbian Task Force" -- this statement on the NY Christian Coalition web site is so troubling, because it implies deep-seated misunderstandings regarding the AIDS epidemic, but also once again the author, Rev. Banuchi, is "judging" people, especially through his direct correlation between homosexuality and AIDS. For the past couple years of my life, I have worked tirelessly to educate my peers about the important nature of equal rights for all. In another paragraph in the same section of Rev. Banuchi's web site he writes "The average gay man has over 100 partners during his lifetime," this is an entirely inaccurate statistic, that is not only obviously from a biased source, but also does not correctly reflect reality.

What concerns me most about Rev. Banuchi's web site, is his statement "There is no such thing as an ex-Puerto Rican, or an ex-African American, because we can't change that, but there are thousands upon thousands of ex-gays who have changed their behavior and lifestyle proving, that they weren't born that way, and that change is possible -- with God's help" -- has it ever occurred that perhaps gay Americans "pretend" to change their sexual orientation only to conform to what our society and leaders such as Rev. Banuchi are demanding and preaching? I myself even went through a period in my life very recently, during which I attempted to change/modify my sexual orientation, but I will be the first to tell you -- that ever since I was little I had known who I was as an individual. Sadly, like others when I came out in 2005, I was faced with an onslaught of letters to the editor attacking me as an individual (Of which one was authored by Rev. Banuchi, but I like to think that something higher gave me the will to love and forgive). In response, I went into a period of depression, I became saddened... I felt as if society had deserted me -- so what did I do? I pretended that I was a heterosexual; however, the reality is that the Lord would not want us to pretend, because he created us in His image and He made each of us unique; therefore, I can tell you that homosexuality is not a learned-behavior, but rather it is an innate gene.

Lastly, I ask and pray that each and every person will find a space in their heart to understand the necessity for equal rights. Rev. Banuchi asked me in an email if I had ever been "born again" -- I have been "born again," except my revival is a recognition of the imperative nature for me to continue to be a voice for equal rights -- to continue to offer compassion to all without judging or condemning. "For I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in," it is important that we as a people come to appreciate and understand the diversity which the Lord has created. We must offer compassion to each other and live amongst one another with tolerance and respect. We never really do know what form the Lord will take amongst us, because in reality he is in each and everyone of us. As I continue to serve as an advocate for equal rights, I will pray for for all that we will one day share the joy in accepting all of the Lord's creation and the beauty of its diversity.

In closing, Deuteronomy 10:18-19 states, "God loves the stranger, providing food and clothing for each one. You too must love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt," so let us come to live out the calling of God... let us come to see the light which he has so clearly kept lit for thousands of years -- let us reach out -- let's speak for equality -- let's speak for compassion -- let's love one another, because at one time we were all strangers in the land of Egypt. Agape.

Joseph Amodeo, 19 years old is a student at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. Throughout his life, he has focused on ensuring equal rights for all without exception. In 2005, Amodeo established a Gay-Straight Alliance at his high school in southern New York State and went on in that same year to run for elected office in the 9th District of Ulster County, NY. "Instinct Magazine" selected Joseph as one of the 25 Leading Men of 2005 and "The Advocate" named Joseph one of seven Future Gay Leaders of 2006. Joseph has also been profiled in "InsideOUT Magazine," and has written a multitude of articles regarding equality, which have been published in magazines including "The Advocate" and "InsideOUT" as well as online periodicals including Campus Pride. Shannen Blog80033
Sonnnie Blog58623

Atlanta Schools Public Engagement Partnerships

The Atlanta Schools Office of Public Engagement is responsible for creating and fostering partnerships between Atlanta Schools, community volunteers, teachers, parents, national and local corporations, non-profit groups, and civic organizations in order to advance student achievement. The Office of Public Engagement was created as part of the ongoing educational reform that is occurring throughout the Atlanta Schools. The Offices aim is to connect the schools with any resource that could offer a positive influence on the success of the students in the Atlanta Schools. Many of these relationships are of a creative and ground-breaking nature. Several of the most successful partnership programs involve some of the largest corporations in the nation.

Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program

The Atlanta Schools has for many years been part of the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" program. The Atlanta Schools partnership with Hewlett Packard is part of a larger program that has representatives from Hewlett Packard visiting over 600 schools in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean. The main goal of the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program is to encourage students, their parents and teachers to create and communicate with technology. The Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program is an interactive exploratory program that allows students to gain practical experience using digital photography and computers.

Atlanta Schools Price Middle School was one of the locations where students were exposed to the latest innovations in technology. The Price Middle Schools students were able to see how this technology could be applied to their own assignments and projects. The aim at Price Middle School was to help the students by making their work more efficient. The students, principal and teachers at Price Middle School all profited from Atlanta Schools participation in the Hewlett Packard's "Bringing it Home" Program.

Atlanta Schools Long Term Partnership with General Electric

Atlanta Schools has been in a partnership with General Electric Energy since 1993 and will continue this partnership in the future. The partnership with General Electric involves several different ongoing projects and was originally started by former Atlanta Schools graduates who now are employed by General Electric. The General Electric Partnership was started as a tutoring and mentoring program where General Electric employees would volunteer in schools in the area but it has grown to include Saturday SAT preparation, the Family Technology Resource Center, and scholarship programs. There are now more than 1,500 General Electric employees involved in the General Electric Partnership in some way. The General Electric Partnership has proved to be very influential in student SAT performance.

In 2002, General Electric donated $1 million to Atlanta Schools Southside High School as part of General Electrics national College Bound Grant Program. This donation to Southside High School was the first grant from the College Bound Grant Program to be given to a school in the Atlanta Schools. The grant is being used by Southside High Schools "Strategic Design for Student Success" project. The school wide project plans to double, by 2007, the percentage of Southside High Schools graduating seniors who go on to four-year or two-year colleges or universities, or who enroll in technical institutions.

Stacy Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacy has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Atlanta schools visit Blog14194
Stephine Blog71618

How To Write A Personal Statement For College

The entire college admission process can be exhausting and nerve-racking but there are few things worse than writing the personal statement for college applications. Your first thought is that it would be a piece of cake, everything you have to do is write a few words about yourself - what your interests are, what you would like to accomplish in life. However, personal statements for college have never been an easy task. When writing a statement for college, your high school writings for which you got straight A's won't do you much good.

The main issue is that when writing your personal statement for college, you are not in that world and you are well aware of it. Personal statements are not supposed to be essays about how much you admire famous people like Gandhi. You shouldn't also write about the first time you leaned how important teamwork is or anything like that. They have heard it all, so you cannot write anything new and this, unfortunately, is not in your favor.

These are the reasons why so many people seek help when writing their personal statement for college is concerned. I had a good time growing up. As my mother is a very famous and acknowledged writer, I always counted on her for feedback. Even now she is there for me when I need an intelligent and well-structured statement or paper. Apart from helping with my essays, my mother was also good enough to give me a hand when I was writing my personal statement for college.

Of course, I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have such a valuable resource at their home, and not everyone can also depend on their high school English teacher. So, if this concerns you, then you can try searching some sites on the internet that might turn to be quite helpful. For instance, most of them offer free tips telling you what you should avoid and what you should include when writing your personal statement for college. From my point of view, when writing your personal statement it's best to try to find face to face feedback from someone whom you trust.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning education. Learn more at Blog3893
Shirlene Blog25559

Alternative vs Conventional Medecine

I continue to be blown away by the absolute miracle that I am! Wait a minute, that's not my head swelling all over the page. I'm referring to how awesome a miracle my body is. I've had mine for just over 55 years now and it never fails to amaze me with its ability to take care of itself. Considering what I've put this body through and the amount of abuse I've subjected it to, mine continues to exceed my very best expectations.

I've studied and used "Alternative" or "Natural" healing techniques for a little over half my life now and I'm a stand for its effectiveness. I've, also, had those times when my body needed some drastic assistance and I go to a conventional doctor for those times. For such drastic situations, Conventional Medicine is just what the Doctor ordered.

First of all, I find the very terms we use to describe these two approaches to medicine to be turned around. We call natural medicine "Alternative" when it precedes AMA type medicine by, at least, a few thousand years and we call the newer form of medicine "Conventional". How twisted is that?

But I digress. I have always been amused by the sibling rivalry, and sometimes out and out hatred, between these two approaches to healing when they have so much to compliment each other. What a tremendous waste.

I blame the AMA and the FDA for most of the conflict, however! Before there was an American Medical Association or a FDA, healers were often Barbers with a sideline interest in general health and before that there was only herbal/natural healing methods usually dispensed by a tribe member or midwife with a gift for helping people.

Then, as humans will do, groups of these healers would gather and compare notes. That led to a desire to organize and format all that knowledge so that all of it would be available to everyone in the group. Presto, the American Medical Association (1847). It was then decided that a uniform set of rules and procedures were needed and that lead to the concept of uniform formal study of medicine and various licenses to practice it. Viola! Doctors and Nurses.

As I see it, the fly in the ointment came when companies formed to produce combinations of herbs, barks, leaves, roots and Chemistry and marketed them to the public in the form of "Snake Oil" and to Doctors & Nurses in the form of "Preparations" which saved them time and energy.

The most famous of these "Snake Oil" remedies is what we now call Coca-Cola, which up until the 1950's contained a concentration of Cocaine and was marketed as a cure all for whatever might ail you. It made people feel better,,, imagine that! Dr. Pepper was another. The 3 numbers on Dr Pepper bottles produced up until the 80's referred to the times of day the remedy should be taken.

With that kind of medicine being bought sold all over the country it was no surprise that some supervision of drug companies was in order. Viola! The Food & Drug Administration (1862) popped up to fill the need. Eventually the drug producers, drug regulators and drug prescribers became so cozy with one another that Natural medical preparations got pretty much pushed aside by the medical establishment as "Old School" and lumped into the same category as the old "Snake Oils".

The 1960's brought in a re-awakening of interest in nature and its healing properties and that's when "Alternative" medicine came under fierce political opposition from the medical "Establishment". By then the medical establishment had too much to lose to allow people to regain control over their own health care.

But, back to my original point; both approaches to medicine and healing have their strengths and their weaknesses. However, the two together make a powerful combination to support the whole healthy human. For preventive care and maintenance, "Natural" or "Alternative" medicines have no equal. For critical or catastrophic health conditions, "Conventional" medicine has no equal.

I long for the day when these to siblings just admit that they are both unequalled in their own special area of care and start working together for the good they have in common towards the proper care and maintenance of the Whole Human Being.

For more information about "Alternative" or "Natural" health care and maintenance please visit We'll be happy to fix you right up!

Much Love,
Gregory Franklyn.

Gregory Franklyn is a 50 something native of Detroit who currently calls the Pacific Northwest his home. He had studied and applied Natural and Alternative remedies for common ailments for over 15 years. He currently operated a website dedicated to information and products that naturally enhance the human condition. Franklyn is NOT a medical health professional and focuses on Alternative medecines http://www.gonatures.comSheba Blog23511
Sher Blog14450

Mayan Civilization: Pretty Impressive

Upon seeing Mel Gibsons Apocalypto I became fascinated with Mayan Culture. With My background as a cultural anthropology minor in college I decided to do some research into Mayan Civilization particularly from a cultural perspective.

The first thing that struck me was how far back the Mayan Civilization goes. It is believed that they came to our part of the world in the 4th ice age via the Bering Strait. My research has led me to believe that they originally descended from Egypt migrated through Asia and then onto Siberia, Alaska and what we call North America. As the Ice melted they migrated south. Most researchers are split with the Egyptian theory. I find that many of the cultural practices including the building of pyramids and their hieroglyphic language closely mirrored the Egyptian culture at various points of pre-historic and historic history.

As soon as the ice age came to an end we see a shift from humans being total carnivores to include plants in their diets. The early Mayan Descendants started agricultural villages as far back as approximately 9000 BC. Stone tools as well as pottery were found in Guatemala dating back to 9000 BC.

The Mayan Empire was not one homogeneous country. It was a series of independent states that were connected by a common culture that unified them. The root of the Mayan culture was based on the Olmec, to which the Mayan adopted, adapted and expanded upon.

Religion and politics went hand and hand in Mayan Civilization. Kings were born to throne and secondary rulers by nepotism. New Kings were the eldest of the male children to the previous kings. Many time priests and kings were one and the same. The king was usually the head priest also. The ruling class was also either hand chosen or born into the royal family, as were priests. In Mayan belief it was the King and his reigning powers that ensured the continuation of the universe as with the Egyptian belief System. The Mayans were big on bloodletting and the higher the rank in class the more blood one was expected to sacrifice. It was not uncommon for the king to pierce his penis or tongue with the blood being part of the sacrifice.

The Mayan Civilization was the only Mesoamerican pre-Columbian culture to have a written language. They also developed complicated calendar systems as well as astronomy and mathematics. The Mayans did practice human sacrifice in times of extreme difficulty. No one really knows why the Mayan Civilization collapsed even before the arrival of the Spaniards. It is speculated that natural things like natural disasters, disease as epidemics and climate change were part of the environmental factors to help the decline of Maya Civilization. Non-Environmental factors included foreign invasion and warfare, peasant revolt and trade break down. With these factors already present it was easy for the Spanish to come in and finish off the Mayan Civilization.

Reginas new site on Mayan Civilization is a must for those who want any information on that subject. With her background in cultural anthropology she clearly gives a clear and detailed re-telling of the Mayan Civilization. The information is fascinating and covers many aspects of the Mayan Civilization from many perspectives. Definitely check this site out for your Mayan Civilization information. http://www.mayancivilizationinfo.comShaylyn Blog69121
Shannen Blog80033

A Response to the Religious Right

As someone who believes in the existence of the sacred document of our democracy - The Declaration of Independence, I also believe in the rights of individuals who call America home. A favorite quote of mine was given by President Thomas Jefferson during his term as President, "The best principles of our republic secure to all its citizens a perfect equality of rights;" I believe that in a society that has for more than 200 years existed on the basis of freedom of religion, press, assembly, and speech, it is the right of all Americans to live out their lives in happiness. We as an American populace should come to exemplify the words which are so eloquently presented in the Gospel of Luke, "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged; condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned."

We live in a world filled with suffering, we live in a world filled with anger and intolerance. As a people we need to come to understand that intolerance and division do not lead us to the calling of whomever our higher being may be, whether it be God, Allah, or one of the many Eastern traditions, it is imperative that we understand the necessity for compassion; the need for love; and above all the imperative nature of equality. I have much respect for America's religious leaders; however, what concerns me most is the fact that it so clear that Jesus or any form of a messiah would not want intolerance to be so manifest in our modern society. I pray that we as a state, that we as a country will come to live in harmony with one another.

In 2005, I established a Gay-Straight Alliance at Marlboro Central High School; I established this important support group and organization in the school district to ensure that no student would ever suffer the onslaught which I endured for nearly all of my secondary school years. Perhaps if the Lord were to step foot amongst us once again in some form, he would ask us why we are putting so much negative energy into a world already filled with a loss of hope. We are fortunate to live in a society which has for 200 years represented the ideal of liberty. If not for our court systems, African Americans might not have the right to vote; if not for our court systems, women might not be able to vote; Sir if not for our court systems, many Americans would not only be viewed as second class citizens, but more importantly our society would not emulate what distinguishes us from other countries around the world -- America is the home of the free. I will continue to offer prayers for equality; to pray and ask the Lord to teach every man and woman's heart to show them what compassion is, to allow them to feel love for all humankind.

The religious leaders of our country are not simply in conversation about marriage rights, but rather they are doing exactly what the Bible tells them not to do -- "Condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned." On the NY Christian Coalition web site (, Rev. Bill Banuchi, Executive Director), under the link titled "Same Sex Marriage" it states, "Probably everyone knows at least one gifted, talented human being who has lost his life due to AIDS brought on by a homosexual lifestyle. Why aren't we suing the Gay and Lesbian Task Force" -- this statement on the NY Christian Coalition web site is so troubling, because it implies deep-seated misunderstandings regarding the AIDS epidemic, but also once again the author, Rev. Banuchi, is "judging" people, especially through his direct correlation between homosexuality and AIDS. For the past couple years of my life, I have worked tirelessly to educate my peers about the important nature of equal rights for all. In another paragraph in the same section of Rev. Banuchi's web site he writes "The average gay man has over 100 partners during his lifetime," this is an entirely inaccurate statistic, that is not only obviously from a biased source, but also does not correctly reflect reality.

What concerns me most about Rev. Banuchi's web site, is his statement "There is no such thing as an ex-Puerto Rican, or an ex-African American, because we can't change that, but there are thousands upon thousands of ex-gays who have changed their behavior and lifestyle proving, that they weren't born that way, and that change is possible -- with God's help" -- has it ever occurred that perhaps gay Americans "pretend" to change their sexual orientation only to conform to what our society and leaders such as Rev. Banuchi are demanding and preaching? I myself even went through a period in my life very recently, during which I attempted to change/modify my sexual orientation, but I will be the first to tell you -- that ever since I was little I had known who I was as an individual. Sadly, like others when I came out in 2005, I was faced with an onslaught of letters to the editor attacking me as an individual (Of which one was authored by Rev. Banuchi, but I like to think that something higher gave me the will to love and forgive). In response, I went into a period of depression, I became saddened... I felt as if society had deserted me -- so what did I do? I pretended that I was a heterosexual; however, the reality is that the Lord would not want us to pretend, because he created us in His image and He made each of us unique; therefore, I can tell you that homosexuality is not a learned-behavior, but rather it is an innate gene.

Lastly, I ask and pray that each and every person will find a space in their heart to understand the necessity for equal rights. Rev. Banuchi asked me in an email if I had ever been "born again" -- I have been "born again," except my revival is a recognition of the imperative nature for me to continue to be a voice for equal rights -- to continue to offer compassion to all without judging or condemning. "For I was hungry and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in," it is important that we as a people come to appreciate and understand the diversity which the Lord has created. We must offer compassion to each other and live amongst one another with tolerance and respect. We never really do know what form the Lord will take amongst us, because in reality he is in each and everyone of us. As I continue to serve as an advocate for equal rights, I will pray for for all that we will one day share the joy in accepting all of the Lord's creation and the beauty of its diversity.

In closing, Deuteronomy 10:18-19 states, "God loves the stranger, providing food and clothing for each one. You too must love the stranger, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt," so let us come to live out the calling of God... let us come to see the light which he has so clearly kept lit for thousands of years -- let us reach out -- let's speak for equality -- let's speak for compassion -- let's love one another, because at one time we were all strangers in the land of Egypt. Agape.

Joseph Amodeo, 19 years old is a student at The College of Saint Rose in Albany, NY. Throughout his life, he has focused on ensuring equal rights for all without exception. In 2005, Amodeo established a Gay-Straight Alliance at his high school in southern New York State and went on in that same year to run for elected office in the 9th District of Ulster County, NY. "Instinct Magazine" selected Joseph as one of the 25 Leading Men of 2005 and "The Advocate" named Joseph one of seven Future Gay Leaders of 2006. Joseph has also been profiled in "InsideOUT Magazine," and has written a multitude of articles regarding equality, which have been published in magazines including "The Advocate" and "InsideOUT" as well as online periodicals including Campus Pride. Sheilah Blog1522
Storm Blog17822

Guide In Buying Christmas Toys For Children

The holidays are right around the corner and soon we will be thinking of gifts for our loved ones. Do you have a toddler on your shopping list? You will want to make sure the toys you buy are safe. Always check that you are buying toys that fit the age and skill level of your child. A three year old can be frustrated to no end by a toy that is meant for a five year old. Not only that, but toys with small parts can be dangerous, even deadly. Small children automatically put things in their mouths so small parts from toys will probably end up there where the child can swallow or choke on them.

Small kids love stuffed animals and toys and they are given plenty of them as gifts, but even these toys need to be checked for quality construction. Make sure they eyes, nose, and other small features are on tight so the child cant bite them off as they chew on the toy. It is best to get stuffed toys that have the eyes and nose embroidered on so you dont have to worry about buttons or plastic parts coming off.

Avoid sharp edges. Imagine your child running with the toy and what would happen if he fell on it. Plus sharp edges can damage the mouths and face.

Save electric toys for when the kids are over eight years old. They are just not safe for toddlers. Dont be tempted by something that looks neat or is on sale. Any toy that has an electrical heating or lighting element is unsafe and hazardous when left with a child unsupervised.

Be sure to read the labels on the toy before you buy. The recommended ages and safety guidelines are listed and should be adhered to.

As soon as your toddler unwraps his toy, throw away the plastic wrapping. Plastic is not safe around kids as it poses a suffocation hazard. Keep a watch out for the twisty ties that keep toys in their packages. Immediately throw them away as they pose a safety hazard to small children.

Before making your toy purchase and even periodically afterwards, it is a good idea to check the recall list from the US Consumer Product Safety Commission to make sure the toy has not been recalled because it potentially poses a serious hazard to your child. Their website is or you can call them at (800) 638-2772.

You will probably be surprised at the number of toys on the list, many by well known manufacturers. Below are a few that have been recalled:

Little People Animal Sounds Farm by Fisher-Price. An incident was reported where a small child inhaled the screws from the stall doors. Emergency surgery was performed to remove the screw from his lungs.

Walt Disneys Woody Dolls. Woody Dolls that were distributed by Walt Disney Parks and Resorts also have been recalled. It was determined the dolls buttons could easily detach and pose a choking hazard for small children.

Battat Drumsticks

Drumsticks sold with toy drum sets by Battat Incorporated. The end of the drumstick breaks off easily and the opposite end can loosen and detach therefore this toy was recalled since it poses a choking hazard for small kids.

Watch for those twisty ties that keep toys secure in their packages. They may keep them looking nice in the store but are a hazard as they are taken off the toy. They often have a small plastic backing between the cardboard and the tie. Even if your toddlers toys dont have these, an older sibling might receive a toy with them. They need to be properly discarded to avoid any danger to a younger child.

If you have a beloved tot on your shopping list, keep in mind the safety considerations above so your child will have a safe and happy holiday.

Marianne Jackson is a staff writer at and an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog67468
Shandee Blog32832

How To Write A Personal Statement For College

The entire college admission process can be exhausting and nerve-racking but there are few things worse than writing the personal statement for college applications. Your first thought is that it would be a piece of cake, everything you have to do is write a few words about yourself - what your interests are, what you would like to accomplish in life. However, personal statements for college have never been an easy task. When writing a statement for college, your high school writings for which you got straight A's won't do you much good.

The main issue is that when writing your personal statement for college, you are not in that world and you are well aware of it. Personal statements are not supposed to be essays about how much you admire famous people like Gandhi. You shouldn't also write about the first time you leaned how important teamwork is or anything like that. They have heard it all, so you cannot write anything new and this, unfortunately, is not in your favor.

These are the reasons why so many people seek help when writing their personal statement for college is concerned. I had a good time growing up. As my mother is a very famous and acknowledged writer, I always counted on her for feedback. Even now she is there for me when I need an intelligent and well-structured statement or paper. Apart from helping with my essays, my mother was also good enough to give me a hand when I was writing my personal statement for college.

Of course, I realize not everyone is lucky enough to have such a valuable resource at their home, and not everyone can also depend on their high school English teacher. So, if this concerns you, then you can try searching some sites on the internet that might turn to be quite helpful. For instance, most of them offer free tips telling you what you should avoid and what you should include when writing your personal statement for college. From my point of view, when writing your personal statement it's best to try to find face to face feedback from someone whom you trust.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning education. Learn more at Blog31238
Stefa Blog26798

The Advantages of a Broadband Connection

What kind of Internet connection do you have? Are you waiting ages for that page to load? I know how bad it is. But consider the times we are living in. Are we not supposed to simply fly through web pages like an Acura NSX or a 911 Turbo? However, if your Internet connection is really slow then you would be lucky to move at 5 miles per hour. All that really matters is the Internet service provider and the broadband connections available. How good is your current Internet provider? Do you pay lots of cash for a service working only half the time? There are still many people who do that. But you should no longer stand for it. You have another, a better option. You can have the fastest Internet speed at all times with all the great high speed cable services available.

Do you know about Internet broadband connection? Even though it has been quite a popular thing nowadays, there are still people who lack the necessity knowledge. There is one very important thing related to Internet - this is the connection speed. Generally, there are three different Internet connections you can have from home. You can choose which one to have depending on how much time you spend online and how much you are willing to pay for the service. There are many people spending most of their time surfing Cyber space, while others barely get online once a month. I guess the latter is quite hard to imagine, but you have to trust me on that. Such people exist!

My mother is a perfect example. She doesn't know what a broadband connection is and I don't think she even cares about it. I assume this has lots to do with the generation issue. How would my parents know anything about computers and the Internet as when there were kids, went to school and even attended the university there were no computers. Anyway, let's go on with the three different Internet connection options. First of them comes the dial-up which is the oldest and the slowest connection. Apart from that it comes with that awful noise everyone hates.

The second option is the popular DSL which is many times better than the dial-up as far as connection speed is concerned. Furthermore, you are twenty four hours a day connected to the Internet. The last option available is undoubtedly the best. It is the high speed broadband connection. It is the most time efficient as the internet speed is extremely fast. With broadband connection you don't have to wait to download media. Do you already have high speed cable broadband connection? If not, you have no idea what you are missing. Hop online immediately and check the greatest deals available.

What kind of Internet connection do you have? Are you waiting ages for that page to load? I know how bad it is. But consider the times we are living in. Are we not supposed to simply fly through web pages like an Acura NSX or a 911 Turbo? However, if your Internet connection is really slow then you would be lucky to move at 5 miles per hour. All that really matters is the Internet service provider and the broadband connections available. How good is your current Internet provider? Do you pay lots of cash for a service working only half the time? There are still many people who do that. But you should no longer stand for it. You have another, a better option. You can have the fastest Internet speed at all times with all the great high speed cable services available.

Do you know about Internet broadband connection? Even though it is quite a popular thing nowadays, there are still people who aren't quite sure what it is. There is one very important thing concerning the Internet - this is the connection speed. Generally, there are three different Internet connections you can have from home. You can choose which one to have depending on how much time you spend online and how much you are willing to pay for the service. There are many people spending most of their time surfing Cyber space, while others barely get online once a month. I guess the latter is quite hard to imagine, but you have to trust me on that. Such people exist!

My mother is a perfect example. She doesn't know what a broadband connection is and I don't think she even cares about it. I assume this has lots to do with the generation issue. How would my parents know anything about computers and the Internet as when there were kids, went to school and even attended the university there were no computers. Anyway, let's go on with the three different Internet connection options. First of them comes the dial-up which is the oldest and the slowest connection. Apart from that it comes with that awful noise everyone hates.

The second option is the popular DSL which is many times better than the dial-up as far as connection speed is concerned. Furthermore, you are twenty four hours a day connected to the Internet. The last option available is undoubtedly the best. It is the high speed broadband connection. It is the most time efficient as the internet speed is extremely fast. With broadband connection you don't have to wait to download media. Do you already have high speed cable broadband connection? If not, you have no idea what you are missing. Hop online immediately and check the greatest deals available.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning internet. Get more information by visiting Blog3250
Sukey Blog29371

Orange County Schools: Closing The Gap

Recent education reforms in the state of Florida have shown to be of benefit to the students in Orange County Schools. The reforms have hit their intended target low-income minority kids.

More students than ever are reading at grade level in Orange County Schools. More low-income Orange County Schools students are also enrolling in Advanced Placement classes and taking the SATs. Once failing inner-city schools are getting As. A recent report on the nations largest urban school districts gave Orange County Schools high marks for boosting the performance of kids from all racial and economic backgrounds.

Orange County Schools is the second largest employer in Central Florida. It employs 836 administrators, 342 at the district level, 454 at the school level and 40 at the technical level. The system employs 13,107 instructional faculty, 8,546 classified employees, and 3,380 part-time positions, with a grand total of 25,869. The instructional and classified personnel make up nearly 97% of Orange County Schools workforce. A large percentage of its teachers 37% to be exact have advanced degrees. 34% of those hold Masters Degrees and the rest hold Specialists or Doctorate degrees.

Orange County Schools had 68 teachers who earned certification last year from the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS), the teaching professions highest credential. Orange County Schools have a total of 537 nationally certified teachers, one of the highest numbers in the state. The beginning salary for a teacher with a bachelors degree is $35,895. If that teacher holds a masters degree, it is $38,399, for a specialists degree, $39,734, and for a doctorate, $40,958. The average pay for teachers is $40,415 per year. In addition, Orange County Schools contributes an average of $11,958 per teacher per year for benefits such as life insurance, health insurance, FICA, and retirement.

The United States Department of Education (DOE) announced on May 31, 2007, that Orange County Schools earned a $27.3 million dollar grant to retain and hire teachers and administrators at 10 middle (Jones, Evans, and Oak Ridge) and high schools (Carver Memorial, Meadowbrook, Walker, Westridge, Robinswood, and Howard). This teacher incentive fund means that teachers at those Orange County Schools can earn up to $4,000 more per year. The bonus is based on increased student achievement levels. In Florida, Orange County Schools earned the largest amount of money from the US DOE for teacher incentive purposes.

Students in Orange County Schools come from 179 different countries and speak 137 different languages and dialects. The system currently serves more than 177,000 students, in 170 schools. 117 of those schools are elementary schools, with 82,115 students. There are 32 middle schools with 38,885 students, 17 high schools with 50,169 students, 4 exceptional education schools with 450 students, and students who attend alternative/charter schools number 5,689.

Orange County Schools boasts a graduation rate of 72.2%, which is above the state average. The dropout rate is 1.9%, well below the state average of 3.5%.

Over the last three years, Orange County Schools have had record numbers of high school students scoring at college level on Advanced Placement (AP) exams. AP enrollment has increased for all student groups, but especially among African Americans and Hispanics.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information please visit Blog49444
Stefa Blog26798

Columbus Schools Partnership Program Offers A Variety Of Programs For Students

The Columbus Schools partnership programs will continue into the 2006-2007 school year. These programs are conducted jointly with Columbus Schools and local and state universities, colleges, academic organizations, community organizations and area volunteers. The programs are wide ranging and cover lots of different subjects and grade levels.

Columbus Schools Art Ventures Partnership Program

The Art Ventures Partnership Program is a program that jointly works with Columbus Schools elementary schools and The Wexner Center for the Arts. This program was created primarily for the fourth grade students and fourth grade teachers and all elementary school arts teachers. As a part of the program, fourth grade students will visit the Wexner Center for the Arts three times per school year. Each visit will focus on a different art program including visual arts and performing arts. There will also be lessons created by the Wexner Center for the Arts that include studio activities and interactive tours. The employees of the Wexner Center for the Arts will visit the Columbus Schools classrooms to prepare students and teachers prepare for visits and lessons. The Wexner Center for the Arts started the program in 1993 and now works with 45 elementary schools. The Wexner Center for the Arts aims to give the schools with connections to their regular curriculum. The Arts Venture Program provides students with an understanding the purpose and need for arts in society and can point out examples of art embedded in our environment.

Columbus Schools Global School Bus

The Global School Bus Partnership Program is a joint cooperation between Columbus Schools Mifflin Alternative and Ohio State Universitys Office of International Affairs. This program brings an international connection to the prekinder- 12 classrooms. The Global School Bus Partnership Program uses presentations and hand-on activities about cultures from around the world. The countries that have been included in the program in past years are: France, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, South Africa, India, Taiwan, British West Indies, England, Italy, Bolivia, Greece, Mongolia, Ecuador, Chile, Japan, Quebec, Nepal, Ireland, Spain, Pakistan, Turkey, Cameroon, Germany, Poland, Russia, Czech Republic, China, Hong Kong, Mexico, Argentina, Australia, East Africa, Tanzania, and Indonesia. The project has citizens and experts from these and other countries share information on a variety of topics, including music, food, dance, customs and lifestyles, biodiversity, calligraphy, climate, international affairs, schools, and education with students in their classrooms.

Columbus Schools Buckeye Mentoring Hub

This partnership program is a large program that involves Columbus Schools members Como Elementary, Cranbrook Elementary, Crestview Middle School, Hubbard Elementary, Indianola Middle School, Whetstone High School; The Mentoring Center; the Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Ohio; and Ohio State University students. The project gives Ohio State students with a real opportunity to apply some of the educational strategies they study. Students will work with urban students who need to work on their leadership skills and negotiation skills. Mentoring is a great way for students to deal with youth violence. Started in 2004, the Buckeye Mentoring Hub has recruited, trained, and placed over 300 Ohio State student mentors with students in the Columbus Schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on Columbus schools visit Blog35889
Sonnnie Blog58623

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Accredited online college degrees allow you to work from home, providing a tremendous savings in childcare costs!

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Nancy Lambert is an executive for provides information on hundreds of degrees offered online through accredited colleges and universities. From online certificates to Associates, Bachelors, Masters and PhD degrees, helps students and adults discover the advantages of earning their degree online.Shirah Blog50128
Sonja Blog9403

Aikman, White To Hall Of Fame

NFL greats Troy Aikman and the late Reggie White headlined a full class of six inductees into this year's Pro Football Hall of Fame that was announced last February. It was called the most emotional announcement of a Pro Football Hall of Fame class in history. The formal induction ceremony of the class into the Hall of Fame will be on August 5.

The other members of this year's class are Harry Carson, John Madden, Warren Moon and Rayfield Wright. With six people being inducted this year, this class is also the biggest ever inducted since 2001.

Aikman was once renowned as the NFL's golden boy and one of the greatest quarterbacks of his era. He led the Dallas Cowboys to three Super Bowl titles in the 1990s. Today, Aikman is a television sportscaster for the Fox network and a joint owner of the NASCAR Nextel Cup racing team, Hall of Fame Racing, along with fellow former Cowboys quarterback, Roger Staubach.

White, nicknamed the "Minister of Defense," was one of football's most prolific sackers ever, either in college, the USFL and the NFL.. White also earned his nickname as reference to his Evangelical Christian ordination. He died suddenly in 2004 after suffering a fatal cardiac arrhythmia caused by the sarcoidosis he had lived with for years. During the 2005 season, three teams retired White's number 92 jersey.

Moon became the first African-American quarterback to ever be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame. Before him, no other African-American quarterback even got close to induction. Aikman and Moon followed Dan Marino, Steve Young and John Elway in a string of great quarterbacks to make the Hall in their first tries.

"To be the first African-American quarterback into the Hall of Fame, all African-American QBs who played before me should share in this," Moon said. "I don't want to make this a racial thing, but I think it is significant. It shows that we have arrived at the pinnacle of our sport."

And, of course, there is Madden, the coach-broadcaster-video game entrepreneur who holds the record for the best winning percentage of any NFL coach with 100 victories (.759). He coached the Oakland Raiders for 10 years and won the 1977 Super Bowl.

Jonathon Hardcastle writes articles for - In addition, Jonathon also writes articles for and Blog38664
Shir Blog34515

The Mayors College Fair Provides Tuition Assistance for Washington D.C. Schools

The Mayors College Fair brings together a variety of programs available for the Washington D.C. schools and their students preparing for college tuition costs. This event takes place on September 15, 2006 and provides information about a variety of college tuition assistantship programs. Students in the Washington D.C. schools are encouraged to attend the Mayors College Fair in order to learn more about the special programs open to them as Washington D.C. students.

The Mayors College Fair is being held for the first time this year as part of the Washington D.C. schools effort to coordinate the various assistantships available to graduating seniors as well as provide a public forum for discussing and disseminating this information. Hopefully, this will become an annual event at the beginning of each school year as a new class of seniors looks forward to the joys and burdens of financing a college education. This meeting will hopefully provide a structure for students in Washington D.C. schools seeking guidance about financial aid programs and packages available for Washington D.C. students.

The D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program

One program that has promised great potential in aiding Washington D.C. school graduates pay for college is the D.C. Tuition Assistance Grant Program (DCTAGP). This program has been going on since 2000 and provided over $100 million towards the education costs of DC residents attending college. This program covers the difference between instate and out of state tuition, up to $10,000 per year for qualified applicants. The grant can be extended over six years at any public college or university nationwide. In addition, there are limited funds available for students attending private colleges in the Washington D.C. area as well as two year community colleges nationwide.

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program

The D.C. Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program (DCLEAP) provides $1500 annually to those Washington D.C. school residents who show financial need. This award can be used at any accredited university nationwide. These funds are intended to be used to fill the gaps in a students financial aid package and cover many of the costs other than tuition that many students face when paying for books, housing, etc. This program is designed to help Washington D.C. school residents to find the extra help that they need to make ends meet while in college.

The D.C. Adoption Scholarship Program

The DC Adoption Scholarship (DCAS) provides up to $10,000 a year for post-high school education and training of District of Columbia children who were adopted through DCs Child and Family Services Agency, and/or children who lost one or both parents in the terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. These funds are meant to help lower the financial burden to those who lost their parents due to the terrorist attacks and now must take the burden of paying for college on themselves. The grants are targeted toward those members of the community most affected by the attacks as well as keeping community awareness high about the continued impact that the attacks have had on the United States.

Stacey Andell is a staff writer for Schools K-12, which provides free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Stacey has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues.Sibella Blog10385
Sophronia Blog14194

Improved Page Engine Rank and SEO for Beginners and the More Experienced

Improved page engine rank is a term used by those with a confusion with SEO and page optimization and Google Page Rank properly PageRank by the way. It is a trade marked term registered by Google, although the patent for the PageRank system of calculating and assigning it is assigned to Stanford University where Page developed the system, not Google.

What most people do not know is that the term PageRank originates from the name of one of the developers, Larry Page. Hence Page Rank. He later teamed up with Sergey Brin to form Google in 1998.

Enough of history: that is in the past! The present is that Google PageRank that I will henceforth refer to as Page Rank for fear of breaking copyright law, has been publicly stated by Google as being one of the predominant means of determining the listing of a website for a particular search term. This might not last for a lot longer, since there are whispers that Google are considering reducing the importance of Page Rank in view of the increasing relevance of social bookmarking and other social sites such as and Digg.

Now there is Twitter run by Google, and more and more Twitter results are turning up in Google search results. Twitter is what is called a micro-blogging service that uses SMS and instant messaging, or the blog posts on the Twitter website. Facebook is also being used by more and more people, but a lot are college students and others trying to spy on and stalk ex lovers for what can only be assumed to be pretty nefarious reasons.

However, these uses of so called social networking sites are immaterial. It their existence that matters, and the association many of them have with major search engines that are producing so many search results somewhat less than useful when they should properly have been filtered out. The question is: Should Google and Yahoo be allowed to be associated with these sites and give them preference in search engine results by use of what can only be manipulation of the algorithms?

Perhaps Page Rank and Link Density will become less important than your registration and participation in these sites. That is why I have joined most of them. They are fun to participate in, but much of the content is very juvenile and amateurish and not what I would to find in a serious search. Blog postings are generally not useful content.

However, back to link density and Page Rank. It is highly unlikely that link density will ever be dropped by Google, but they might introduce some aspects of social bookmarking in to their algorithm. What this means is that if you want to improve your listing, you will have to be involved in Google related social sites, Twitter being the main one at the moment.

If you understand Twitter you will know what I mean when I state that Google might include, in addition to page rank and traditional SEO, the number of friends and comments, number of Twitter followers, photo uploads and frequency of updates. Keep an eye on Google activity and their acquisitions, since the more acquisitions of social sites Google make, and the more of their own they produce, then you can be pretty sure that at some time they will introduce elements of that into their algorithms.

So, get ahead of the race and get acquainted with Twitter. Google have made no changes yet, but the buzz is there, so dont bet your boots that no changes will be made in that direction sometime in the future. My belief is that article submission will remain the one major means of attracting traffic and obtaining one-way links back to your selected web pages for the foreseeable future, but that elements of social bookmarking and other social networking sites will gradually creep into the algorithms.

There is nothing to lose by being ahead in the game, and you have just been given a clue as to how to do that. It might be a year away, perhaps less and perhaps more, but when the day comes, if it does, I at least will be prepared for it.

Peter NisbetSheryl Blog23613
Shelley Blog75067

Study Abroad Without Passing Standardized Exams - GRE / GMAT

I have always wondered about the relevance of GRE/ GMAT / SAT/ IELTS. These exams have their own flaws and may be perceived as regressive patterns of testing the knowledge, aptitude and analytical abilities of a graduate student. I am in no which way an expert, scholar or authority who can strongly detest the usage of the aforementioned exams in selection criteria of students for a study abroad program. The bottom line is that these exams are bridges across global schools which facilitate the selection of deserving students.

In my honest opinion exams like GRE are a matter of hard work and luck; both the determinants sharing the credit of your success equally. However, at times you may have a bad day or may be you are ill while you appeared for the exams. The results obviously are skewed towards the lower percentiles. Now- a- days some institutions have been realistic enough to understand that the undergraduate GPA, work experience and a good resume, compounded with a professional letter of intent (for the desired study program) actually decide the capability of a student rather than the scores of standardized exams like GRE. The list of programs which may help you earn a MBA degree without GRE/ GMAT is given below. These institutions are in no which way associated with my professional or academic interests. As a matter of fact there are a growing number of students who have exceptional work experience and great academic record but unfortunately were not able to perform on the standardized exams. Admittedly we are witnessing a boom in the number of students participating in study abroad programs and responding to this boom a great number of schools all over the world have relaxed the admission criterion. USA harbors these institutions which would give preference to your overall body of work rather than the scores on standardized exams.


1. University of Phoenix
Bachelor of Science in Business/Accounting
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration/Accounting
Master of Business Administration/Global Management
Master of Business Administration/Marketing

2. Capella University
Bachelor of Science in Business - Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science in Business - Management and Leadership
Bachelor of Science in Business - Marketing
Master of Business Administration - Finance
Master of Business Administration - Marketing

3. Ellis College
Bachelor of Science/Interdisciplinary Studies - Communication Arts
Bachelor of Science/Management of Information Systems
Bachelor of Science/Interdisciplinary Studies - Telecommunications Management
Bachelor of Science/Finance
Bachelor of Science/Interdisciplinary Studies - Hospitality Management Concentration

4. Cardean
Graduate Certificate - Business Administration
Graduate Certificate - Human Resources Management
Graduate Certificate - Leadership
Graduate Certificate - Strategy and Economics
Master of Business Administration/Finance

5. South University
Bachelor of Business Administration

6. Walden University Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Finance
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Human Resource Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Marketing

7. Ellis MBA
Master of Business Administration/Project Management
Master of Business Administration/Risk Management
Master of Business Administration/Strategy and Economics
Master of Business Administration/Management of Information Systems
Master of Business Administration/Management of Technology

8. CTU Online
Master of Science in Management/Project Management
Master of Science in Management/Business Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/HR Management
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Information Technology
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration/Management

9. AIU Online
Bachelor's of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance
Bachelor's of Business Administration in Healthcare Management
Bachelor's of Business Administration in Human Resources
Bachelor's of Business Administration in Management
Bachelor's of Business Administration in Marketing

10. University of Phoenix Online
Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Administration/Accounting
Master of Business Administration/Global Management
Master of Business Administration/Health Care Management
Master of Business Administration/Human Resource Management

Dr.Jagdish Khubchandani is an Indian Physician who has been accepted for inclusion in the list of "Who is Who International,2006 Professional edition".He is the author of the famous Indian book "All In One- A comprehensive review of Internatioanl education and foreign exams". The book has an online supplement.Shirley Blog86427
Shelby Blog83558

Los Angeles Schools Strongly Opposed To Takeover By Mayor Villaraigosa

There is currently legislation AB 1381 in the state legislature that, if passed, will give the okay to Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa to take over a subset of the Los Angeles schools. Recently, the mayors school reform team announced its latest round of changes to the bill in order to sidestep some possible problems to it passing.

Last month, according to the Los Angeles Times August 8, 2006 article, Los Angeles Chief Legislative Analyst Gerry F. Miller made certain speculations about the bill. He believes, if the bill is passed, the following may occur:

Some power could shift from the City Council to Villaraigosa;
Additional costs may be incurred by the cities that are served by the Los Angeles schools; and
These same cities, as well as the Council of Mayors, could incur certain legal liabilities.

Legal responsibilities and costs could shift with the power, since the bill gives responsibility for the subset of Los Angeles schools directly to Villaraigosa, who dominates the Council of Mayors with an 80 percent vote. The Council of Mayors consists of Villaraigosa, representatives from the County Board of Supervisors, and representatives of 27 other cities that are served by the Los Angeles schools.

The recently announced changes to the bill are to placate the officials and representatives of the 27 other cities concerning Millers speculations, as well as protect the legislation from being defeated due to criticisms from opponents who are aligned with the Los Angeles schools officials, who are strongly opposed to the takeover.

The new language added to the bill does the following:

Budget administration for the Los Angeles schools will remain with the City Councils of the cities served by the school district, as it currently stands. This eliminates the possibility of additional costs being incurred by any of the cities served.

Responsibility for any lawsuits or legal issues will remain with the Los Angeles schools, even though Villaraigosa will be making most of the decisions. This ensures that the County of Los Angeles and the cities involved will be held blameless.

The takeover of the Los Angeles schools subset is now likened to a school district authorizing a charter school. It is hoped by Villaraigosas team that this language will sidestep the state constitution provision that requires public schools to be overseen by established school systems.

Kevin Reed, general counsel for the Los Angeles schools, was quite critical of the bills new language, especially concerning legal responsibility. He also said the comparison of Villaraigosas takeover to a charter school, which was developed by Villaraigosas legal advisor Thomas Saenz, was erroneous. Charter schools submit to more oversight than will Villaraigosa, if the bill becomes law.

Reed also pointed out a conflict of interest for Saenz, who is also an appointed board member of the County Office of Education. A spokesperson for the mayor said Saenz would resign, if the bill becomes law.

Villaraigosa has some backers for his bill, which will soon be reviewed by the legislature. The bill, however, has many questionable provisions in its language and many strongly opposed to it. Opposition comes not only from the Los Angeles schools officials, but also from many of the city representatives on the Council of Mayors, who already see Villaraigosa controlling too much of their concerns.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. Patricia has a nose for research and writes stimulating news and views on school issues. For more information on Los Angeles schools visit Blog83007
Sinead Blog54814

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